Obtaining financing is a difficult process and the negotiated terms can vary substantially from contract to contract.

At DOA, we are expert negotiators. We work closely and strategically with banking and financial institutions to execute finance deals on terms that accord with our clients’ priorities. Our finance specialists advise on a full range of corporate, real estate, project, and structured finance transactions.

We also advise banks and financial institutions that are seeking to lend capital. We ensure that our client is secure with the level of risk they are assuming, and institute safeguards in the loan agreement terms.

We have great depth and breadth of experience advising national and multinational corporations, national and international banks, investment banks, other financial institutions, intermediaries and government organizations.

Lenders, credit enhancers, sponsors, borrowers, and packagers have come to rely on our expert advice and sound commercial experience. Our team has a depth of experience to enable them to advise clients on the technical aspects of transactions while taking into account their commercial needs.